Gross industrial output value

美 [ɡroʊs ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈaʊtpʊt ˈvæljuː]英 [ɡrəʊs ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈaʊtpʊt ˈvæljuː]
  • n.工业总产值;工业总产值,工业生产总值
Gross industrial output valueGross industrial output value
  1. Note : Gross industrial output value are calculated at current prices .


  2. This article used the artificial neural networks to establish forecast model of gross industrial output value .


  3. Dynamic Analysis of the Gross Industrial Output Value in China


  4. The Forecast Model of Gross Industrial Output Value Based on Artificial Neural Networks


  5. Number of under designated industrial enterprises is69544 , gross industrial output value is171.56 billion yuan .


  6. In 2005 , the gross industrial output value of high-tech zone is about 53 hundred million yuan , which is the main economic growth point .


  7. In those five years the gross industrial output value amounted to more than 6 trillion yuan , with an average annual growth rate of 21.7 per cent .


  8. In 2006 , Chinese power distribution switch and control equipment industry accomplishes the gross industrial output value of 155.06 billion Yuan , up by 28.77 % over the previous year .


  9. By the end of 1992 , the gross industrial output value of the whole county has reached 1.42 billion yuan RMB . The " dust bowl " covered one hundred countries .


  10. Not only dose FDI enhance the fixed capital investment and foster the export trade , but also FDI enhances the gross industrial output value and tax revenue , optimizes the industrial structure and creates employment opportunities as well .


  11. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China , in the first 10 months in 2008 , the output , gross industrial output value and sales volume have increased by more than 15 % , 24 % and 24 % respectively from the same period of last year .


  12. The model has been applied to forecasting " gross societal output value "," gross industrial output value " and " gross agricultural output value " in the overall urban planning of Liuzhou city .
